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2022 Democratic Candidates
- US Senate: Cheri Beasley
- US House, District 12: Alma Adams
- NC Senate, District 41: Natasha Marcus
- NC House, District 98: Christy Clark
- NC House, District 106: Carla Cunningham
- NC House, District 107: Kelly Alexander
- County Commissioner, At Large: Leigh Altman
- County Commissioner, At Large: Pat Cotham
- County Commissioner, At Large: Arthur Griffin, Jr.
- County Commissioner, District 1: Elaine Powell
- County Board of Education, District 1: Melissa Easley
- NC Supreme Court - Associate Justice, Seat 3: Lucy Inman
- NC Supreme Court - Associate Justice, Seat 5: Sam Ervin
- NC Court of Appeals Judge, Seat 8: Carolyn Jennings Thompson
- NC Court of Appeals Judge, Seat 9: Brad Salmon (Note: This link is for Ballotpedia.)
- NC Court of Appeals Judge, Seat 10: Gale Murray Adams
- NC Court of Appeals Judge, Seat 11: Darren Jackson
- NC Superior Court Judge, District 26B Seat 1: Kimberly Best
- NC District Court Judge, District 26 Seat 14: Alyssa Levine